Type Conversions

The type Value represents Lisp values:

  • They can be copied around, but cannot outlive the env they come from.
  • They are "proxy values": only useful when converted to Rust values, or used as arguments when calling Lisp functions.

Converting a Lisp Value to Rust

This is enabled for types that implement FromLisp . Most built-in types are supported. Note that conversion may fail, so the return type is Result<T>.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let i: i64 = value.into_rust()?; // error if Lisp value is not an integer
let f: f64 = value.into_rust()?; // error if Lisp value is nil

let s = value.into_rust::<String>()?;
let s: Option<&str> = value.into_rust()?; // None if Lisp value is nil

Converting a Rust value to Lisp

This is enabled for types that implement IntoLisp. Most built-in types are supported. Note that conversion may fail, so the return type is Result<Value<'_>>.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
"a\0bc".into_lisp(env)?; // NulError (Lisp string cannot contain null byte)


().into_lisp(env)?; // nil
true.into_lisp(env)?; // t
false.into_lisp(env)?; // nil