
emacs-module-rs provides high-level Rust binding and tools to write Emacs's dynamic modules. It is easy to use if you know either Rust or Emacs.

It currently supports:

  • Stable Rust 1.36+.
  • Emacs 25 or above, built with module support.
  • macOS, Linux, Windows.

Known Issues

There is a bug (see issue #1) with Emacs 26 on Linux that prevents it from loading any dynamic modules (even those written in C), if:

  • Emacs is built without thread support.
  • The OS is Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial).

Setting up

  • Install the Rust toolchain with rustup.
  • Make sure that your Emacs was compiled with module support. Check that module-file-suffix is not nil, and the function module-load is defined.
    • On macOS, the recommended installation method is MacPorts (emacs-app and emacs-mac-app).
    • On Windows, the recommended installation is pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs (msys2), as the version on GNU FTP's server is built without module support.


This was only tested with Rust's msvc toolchain, not the gnu toolchain.

You will also need to install LLVM and set LIBCLANG_PATH accordingly.

# In Powershell
scoop install llvm

$env:LIBCLANG_PATH = "$(scoop prefix llvm)\bin"
cargo build --all
